The city of Ludowici recently completed a paving and drainage project on Macon Street. According to Ludowici Maintenance Supervisor James Fuller Sr., the city had been aiming to wrap the work up since the late 1990s.
John Strain, individually and as administrator of the estate of Christina Strain v. Candace M. Cianni, executrix of the estate of Ronald J. Cianni, M.D.; Gastrointestinal Consul-tants of Northeasten Pennsyl-vania Inc.; Cianni & Sherwin P.C. ; ... Esther Brown, 1107 Fulton St., Scranton; $6871.81. - Lynda Paulsen, 218 Windsor Lane, Taylor; $3248.29. - Daniel Gentile, 1009 S. Irving Ave., Scranton; $4325.37. - Robert K. Fuller, 174 Petrilak Road, Greenfield Twp.; $21901.86. ...
Fuller sound. More instruments. New arrangements. That chill-wave, lo-fi stuff is great but in a live setting it doesn't always work. Nice to see someone trying to liven it up. OMG, ?liven? it up. Get it? Also, there were tits. ... I'll skip the part where I tell you it's hard to find a good clean meal in Tennessee, and I won't mention how the food vendors at Bonnaroo sold mostly street fair food (Coachella had fish tacos, organic salads, raw food tents). ...